Thompson & Son Removals

Thompson & Son - West Midland Removals
Thompson & Son - West Midland Removals

Moving Home Checklist

Moving house can be one of the most stressful situations imaginable. Trying to get everything organised and ready to move from one location to another is tiring, time-consuming and taxing. We can help with the physical labour – lifting and unloading – but there’s still a lot that needs to be done before the move day itself. Although it can seem overwhelming at times, there are steps you can take to minimise the stress involved.

It’s time to start the process of moving out! You’ll need to give notice to a few important people or entities. Start by informing:

  • Your gas and electric companies.
  • The water company.
  • Your phone and internet providers.
  • Your landlord, if you have one (make sure to put it in writing for good measure). Don’t forget – give your notice 30 days in advance so all parties can be properly informed.

When planning a move, there are plenty of things to keep in mind in order to make the process as smooth as possible. Here are just a few tips:

  • Book a post redirection with the Royal Mail.
  • Change your address for all subscription services.
  • Update eBay, Amazon and your favourite food apps with your new address, so you don’t make any mistakes when you first move – it’s easily done!
  • Let the TV Licencing Authority know when you’re moving.
  • Update your address with any banks and building societies.
  • Consider if new schools need to be organised for relocating children. You may need to do this many weeks in advance.

Get ready for the move by packing up your belongings in an organized fashion. Before you start, get supplies such as boxes, bubble wrap, tape, labels and markers to ensure your items are safe during transportation. Talk to your removal company about the best ways to safely transport your things. Storage can also be arranged if necessary. Ensure everything is labelled correctly, so you know what’s what when unpacking and settling into your new home.

Pack non-essentials first, like books, DVDs and spare items. Take advantage of the situation to clear out unwanted items that have been sitting around the house for years – either donate them to charity or list them on marketplaces like eBay for a little spare change!

If you’re planning an international move, you must make some extra considerations. Depending on your destination, you will need to research visas and work permits to help you legally move into the country. You should also look into tax regulations for the area and any language or cultural courses that you might need to take part in prior to moving day. Moving to Europe has become a whole lot more complicated since Britain left the EU, and as such, additional research and paperwork may be required.

Finally, on Moving Day, keep these things in mind:

  • Make sure to arrange the final meter readings and send them to your existing utility companies.
  • Return all keys to the landlord or estate agent. If selling a property, arrange for the new owners to take possession of the keys.
  • For renters, take photos and videos of the old property to avoid discrepancies when it comes time to claim back deposits.
  • Inspect and sign off on an inventory as you arrive at your new home (if renting), ensuring everything is present and accounted for before signing.
  • Book a clean house if possible so you can start fresh in the new place.
  • Register or update services like DVLA, HMRC, doctors and dentists.
  • Record the meter readings in your old home as you move out and at your new home as you move in. Then notify the relevant utility companies so that they can update their records.

We know that moving out can be time-consuming and stressful, with plenty of details to keep track of. But planning and getting part of the packing done in advance can do wonders for your productivity and helps with cutting down on moving day stress. We hope our tips help with your next move!

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Want to know more about moving property?

Check out our full guide to moving home. We cover all the steps you should take to have a successful and stress-free move

or if you are a business looking to move check out our guide to moving office.